
  • Recycling education and outreach (Wisconsin DNR)

- *Note: the DNR has lots of publications and resources on their outreach page, including info for apartments and renters, schools, workplaces and other sectors, special event recycling, recycling electronics, appliances, batteries and more.

  • The Wrap Recycling Action Program (WRAP)

- *Note: WRAP encourages the recycling of plastic bags (beyond just retail bags, like ziploc, bread, newspaper, ice bags, etc.) and film (case wrap from water/beverages, wrap around toilet paper/paper towel, dry cleaning 'bags,' etc.)

  • Recycling Myths and Resources (Waste Management)


  • Single Use Waste Minimization (Institute for Local Self-Reliance)



  • Waukesha County Green Team

- Adopting Green Practices - Links to all things 'green.'


  • Explore Recycle City (

- What are the residents in this town doing with their waste? What if you make the decisions?

¡Haz el Desafío de la Ciudad del Reciclaje en español!