Pheasant Run Landfill -- Open the first Saturday of month, 8 am – Noon for Paris residents only. Call Pheasant Run Landfill with questions at 857-7956 NOTE: There is a charge for waste disposal at the landfill.
Do not bring any WI-DNR banned items (i.e., plastics, glass, aluminum cans, tin cans, paper that have been sorted for recycling of banned items such as tires, batteries, electronics, televisions, fluorescent light bulbs, hazardous wastes or liquid wastes).
All loads should be covered with a tarp or secured in such a way as to not be littering on the way to the landfill. Smaller loads would be directed to dumpster wherein residents will have to unload their trash into the dumpster. Large loads would be directed to the landfill active area. Be advised that the gravel drive paths can cause damage to tires.
Appliances are accepted at Pheasant Run, however, they are sent offsite for recycling. Because they are sent off site, there is a charge for accepting these items. There are other more economical options available for disposal of appliances. Pheasant Run offers drop off recycling to Paris Township residents only.
Town of Paris Information