Whether on the field or in the stands, athletes and fans can get active by reducing, reusing and recycling. Using hand-me-downs and carpooling are just the beginning of the ways your team can pitch in. A few simple steps can help cut spring sports' carbon footprint and ensure that everybody wins in the long run.
Sporting goods and equipment
Lots of athletes, teams and families already avoid waste by buying from sports resale shops. When you do buy new or packaged equipment you can also reuse or recycle plastic film and cardboard packaging. You can also recycle old athletic shoes through programs like ShoeBox Recycling and Nike's Reuse-A-Shoe. Re-purpose old equipment, like tennis balls, for dog toys and other around-the-house craft projects. Recycling plastic bags and wrap
Snacks and water
Lots of teams fuel up on snacks like apples and oranges that are completely biodegradable. You can save cores, peels and rinds for backyard composting. Also, you can rehydrate with reusable water bottles instead of disposable cups and clean your bottles regularly so that they last longer. Get home composting tips from the Wisconsin DNR.
Recycling opportunities at sporting venues
The easiest way fans can reduce waste is often the most commonly overlooked. Fans at any event can look for and use recycling bins in public areas for items like plastic beverage bottles and aluminum cans. Be sure to check what can and cannot be put into the recycling bins.